I saw a picture of courage today as I was coming home from walking at the mall. She was young, wearing a backpack and crossing a major intersection. Just crossing that intersection would have taken all the courage I possess, but it took much more for her I’m sure. Her left hand held the harness of a guide dog for the blind. Her right hand was guiding a baby stroller. It was evident she was blind when she came up to a road sign in the middle of the sidewalk. The dog stopped. Then led her around the sign on the safe side.
I cannot even image the courage that young woman must have daily just to do the kinds of things the sighted take for granted.
Courage. The English definition according to Merriam-Webster is “mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.”
As Christians, we are called to display courage. “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men [and women] of courage; be strong.” [1 Cor 16:13 NIV]
The NKJV calls us to “be brave, be strong.”
It does take courage and strength to live your walk with Christ where the world can see. It has always taken such courage – when Paul wrote to the Corinthians and today as I write to you. The world’s view and God’s view are often incompatible. And let’s admit it, the enemy of our soul does everything he can to keep us fearful and quiet. We must always remember the Great Commission Christ gave to us to go into all the world and make disciples. We can’t do that if we are afraid to speak. We must be courageous and strong.