It was a strange morning last Monday. Hot and humid but still got in a ½ mile walk early. I had three goals. One, to work on the homework for my Wednesday night Bible Study at Pastor Laura’s home. It’s a study on “Elijah, Faith and Fire,” by Priscilla Shirer.
Two, I needed to work a bit on my devotion for the Senior Potluck in August. And three, I wanted to write a couple daily devotions. All the while my mind was filled with the wonderful healing service at CFC Middleton on Sunday.
I did my Bible Study homework first. One part of the lesson on Simple Prayer caught my attention. It talked about God never changing but we do. We grow and mature and in the process become stronger in our ministries (if we allow God to work in us).
After completing my Bible Study homework, I began to work a bit on my Senior Potluck devotion – about the season of my life now, diminishing strength, slowing down, etc.
Then it struck me, after a lifetime of growing and maturing and becoming stronger in ministry, I’m old and no longer able to do what I’ve spent a lifetime learning to do!
I began to pray, and I heard the LORD speak, “Psalm 96,” so I grabbed my Bible. I never even finished the first verse! “Sing a new song to the LORD.” [vs1a NLT]
I am not what I once was. I am not able to do what I once did. But now, at this stage in my life, I am being called to “sing a NEW song to the LORD.”
I can’t wait to hear what that NEW melody will be!