A New …

by TerryLema

It is a new month. Meteorologists recognize March 1 as the first day of meteorological spring, which is based on annual temperature cycles and the Gregorian calendar. Astronomical spring (the official one) occurs around the 20th of March. I’ll take this as the first day of spring, a transition between the cold winter months and the hot summer ones. Most people look forward to the trees budding and the flowers blooming again.

I do not know if you have been following what is happening on many of our college campuses. It can be summed up in one word, “Revival.” There has been a spiritual awakening flowing through some of the colleges in our nation. And now it appears to be exiting those confines and lighting up other places. (Could it be that the long spiritual winter is behind us, and the spring of spiritual newness is just ahead?)

Revival has frequently occurred among the young. That is as it should be! They have the energy and the vitality needed to spread a spiritual awakening in our world. But that does not leave out those of us who perhaps do not have that energy and vitality anymore.  We also have a duty. We are to surround this spiritual awakening with much prayer.

I have been praying for revival for our church, our city, our state, our nation, our world for many years. I so yearn to see the Holy Spirit move in power among us. I will continue to pray!

As Romans 5 reminded me this morning, “where sin multiplied, grace multiplied even more.” [vs 4 HCSB]

For too long, sin has multiplied in our midst, it is time now that grace (and the glory of God) multiplies even more!

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