If you have been following along on Facebook, you probably already know the “Saga of the Sink!” The Sunday before we left for California on May 1, we discovered our kitchen faucet had begun to leak under the sink. We had water damage. We shut everything off, called the insurance company and a mitigation company came to survey the damage. Then we left for our trip.
Upon our return, we contacted the insurance company and on the 10th the mitigation company removed all the water damage and set up loud fans and de-humidifiers, which were finally removed after three days. Then on the 15th we got a bid for reconstruction, and the company installed a laundry tub so I wouldn’t have to use our hall bathroom as a kitchen. The newly installed sink leaked. Back they came and fixed the leak. At last! I could now cut up salad in my kitchen. Little did a know.
The following day I cut up lettuce, put it in a colander to be washed and set it under the cold-water tap. Coming back to it after a minute, I noticed it was wilted. I discovered that I didn’t have a cold-water tap in my kitchen, I had two hot-water taps. They had accidentally connected the dishwasher line to my cold-water tap. They fixed that the next day.
Yesterday we finally heard back from the insurance company approving reconstruction. My kitchen has been almost useless since April 29. As I see the broken counter top, the cut-up floor, the laundry tub, I can’t help but laugh. I have always tried to make Proverbs 17:22 my attitude during trying times. It sure has come in handy over the last 22 days and will probably be needed all through reconstruction! A merry heart does good like a medicine. [NKJV]
I really am laughing at “The Saga of the Sink!”