Happy Father’s Day to my dad (in heaven), my husband Bob, to Mike my son-in-law, and to Adam my son. All good dads. Not perfect, but dads who were (and are) good to their families. They love their children and seek their best. We honor you today for your sacrifice and commitment.
And may I say a Happy Father’s Day to all the single parents out there trying to do both jobs. Single parenting is difficult, tiring, and often lonely. Men who must be both father and mother, and women who have to be both mother and father need to be celebrated and honored also.
As Christians, we need to help our single parents. There is a part of Psalm 68 which always reminds me of that fact. The psalmist declares God to be “A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.” Then he adds, “God sets the lonely in families.” [Ps 68:5-6]
If we are to mirror the character of our Father God on this earth – and that really is not an “if” but a “when” – we need to take care the fatherless, the widows, and the lonely. The church is meant to be a family. That means we are to pick up the slack where needed.
We don’t always do a very good job of helping single parents or caring for people living apart from any natural family. It’s time that changed. How about taking the children of single parents out for a treat, a movie, time in the park, and allowing parents to rest, or do something they’ve been wanting to do. How about we check on those living alone, take them out to lunch or visit. It doesn’t take much money, just a little time, to be God’s hand extended.