A Dog on a Roof!

by TerryLema

The Hazleton Fire Department in Hazleton, PA, was called out recently to rescue a dog from the roof of a three-story apartment building. Passersby saw the large dog on the roof and were worried it could not get down. The dog, however, did not seem to be worried at all.

Neighbors informed the fire department that the dog likes to “sunbathe” on the roof and does this all the time. While the fire department was watching, the dog came down from the roof and entered a third story apartment through a balcony door. The fire department left and posted a picture of the dog on their Facebook page.

Have you ever wanted to be like that dog on the roof, high above the commotion of life on the ground, away from everyone and everything?  I know I have.

Recently the Pastor of The Way Middleton touched on one of my favorite passages in Mark. The disciples were just coming back from intense ministry and were probably tired. The crowds of people were surrounding Jesus, and no one could eat or rest, so, Jesus invited them to “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” [NIV]

That never happened, of course, because the crowds of people continued to follow them.  Still, I think that invitation from Jesus to come with Him to a place of quiet and rest extends to us when we get so busy with life.

Maybe we need to be like that dog on the roof. We need to find a place to get away from all the uproar of life. We need to spend a little time in that quiet place, simply enjoying the “son-shine” and finding rest for our souls.

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