by TerryLema

I could watch birds all day! When I see a bird flying in the sky, I just want to raise my voice in praise to God. I especially love the hawks in our area.

I remember being on a walk one morning and a hawk was making those “lazy circles in the sky.” (As the song goes!) I heard the LORD whisper to me in that moment that He loved me and was near to me and that everything would be all right. Shortly after I was diagnosed with two auto-immune diseases. Now each time I see a hawk, I remember His promise and I praise Him.

I was driving to an appointment recently, thinking about a couple conversations I had just had with my two closest friends. I was crying and praying about some of the things they were going through. When I got home, I found a bird, a wild juvenile peahen tucked away in the corner of our patio. She stayed all day, sometimes looking in our patio window, or sleeping on the door mat, wandering around the yard and into the garden. Even when I went into the backyard, she did not fly away but simply walked to a different part of the yard.

I heard God whisper to me that He was close, He heard the despair and the cry of my heart. I realized that He brought His comfort right to my doorstep! And I praised Him.

 Job told his comforters: “Just ask the animals, and they will teach you. Ask the birds of the sky, and they will tell you….For the life of every living thing is in his hand, and the breath of every human being.” [Job 12: 7, 10 NLT]


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