Acts 24 is Paul’s testimony before the governor Felix. Paul had been set upon by the Jews who thought he had brought a Gentile into the Jerusalem temple. He hadn’t, but they wouldn’t listen. He was rescued by Roman soldiers whose commander was informed of a plot to kill Paul. The commander whisked away Paul in the night and brought him before the governor Felix. When the Jews came to Felix with their accusations, Felix allowed Paul to make a defense.
Acts 24:20-21: “Or these who are here should state what crime they found in me when I stood before the Sanhedrin- unless it was this one thing I shouted as I stood in their presence: ‘It is concerning the resurrection of the dead that I am on trial before you today.'” NIV
We should not be surprised by Paul’s one thing in his defense. If you read Paul’s letters, the resurrection from the dead is always right at the core of his arguments and his praises. 2 Corinthians 15 is probably the longest and most complete discourse on resurrection in Scripture.
We focus on the cross, as we should, and the sacrifice of Christ Jesus for the sins of mankind. But the cross is an incomplete work without the resurrection of Christ from the dead three days later. The resurrection was God’s acceptance and stamp of approval on the cross. The resurrection is what holds out hope for us – this life with all its trials and troubles is not all there is. A time of great joy and delight is coming when we pass through the grave into the very presence of the Giver of Life. We will truly exit the ‘land of the dying’ into the ‘land of the living’ because of Christ’s resurrection.
Easter Sunday is April 1 this year—officially. But Resurrection Sunday is every day for those who have placed their trust in a Risen Lord. Amen and Amen.