It’s the Antenna!

by TerryLema

I really am enjoying the “one thing” verses that I’ve been finding in Scripture but am taking a break from that for today.  Today I am chuckling about a “connection” issue I’ve been having.

In November I bought a new wireless headset, transmitter and receiver to use on Sunday mornings.  I literally fried my old lapel mic, it was smoking and ready to catch fire when I whipped the transmitter off my waistband. A replacement was needed and decided on a headset rather than lapel mic. From the onset it never worked correctly. It popped constantly, there was continual static. We tried everything to figure out the cause. It just kept cutting out.

I finally took it back to the music store where I bought it. There they reassembled it, connected it to a speaker and had me walk around the store trying to get it to cut out. It never did. They sent me back to the church with all kinds of ideas of what to do with the receiver unit, take it out of the sound cabinet, move it around the church, etc.

Last Sunday I reassembled and reconnected the headset, transmitter and receiver and attached it to the sound board. I tried it and it worked perfectly. It was then I realized that originally the antenna had never been connected to the transmitter. It had remained in the box until the man at the music store found it and attached it. There never was anything wrong with the receiver, only the transmitter.

Ever felt like your prayers are going nowhere?  Ever wondered what is wrong with God that He’s not receiving your requests the way You want Him to?  Peter reminds us that there are things that can hinder our prayers. He reminds husbands to treat their wives with the respect they deserve as fellow heirs of Christ.  “… so that nothing will hinder your prayers.”  [1 Peter 3:7 NIV]

Many things, both attitudes and actions, can hinder our prayers, but the problem is never with the Receiver (Father God), the problem is usually with the Transmitter (us!).

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