I remember my time of greatest growth in the LORD. My children were all in school and I didn’t have to go to work until later in the day. I would sit on my couch after everyone left and I would read and journal. I had a Bible reading plan that, if followed, would have me reading through my Bible once a year (Gospels, Psalms and Proverbs twice a year). I also had a journal plan that allowed me to focus my thoughts each day. It was called “ACTS,” which stood for Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication. I added a section at the end on Listening.
It was a great time of learning what God requires through reading His word, and beginning to broaden my approach to Him from merely asking for stuff to adoring, confessing, and offering thanks also. It was the beginning of maturity, but had it remained only there on my couch for a few hours every morning, it truly would have accomplished little.
Because the second part of any plan must be implementation. James wrote: “Do not merely listen to [read] the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” [1:22 NIV]
If we aren’t translating the knowledge into action, the plan to mature and grow, worship more, be more like Christ, will accomplish little in our lives. It will be like those New Year’s resolutions that are forgotten by February 1.
May I be so bold as to say you haven’t really learned the Word until you live the Word. We have to know, but we also have to do. Otherwise, we are, as James reminds us, deceiving ourselves.
Father, may I learn what you require, and may I do what you require. Amen.