Ah, I have been waiting for this day! I completed my four-month temporary assignment yesterday. I don’t have a commute this morning or afternoon, Praise God. I’m going to lunch with a friend and don’t need to worry about keeping it to an hour. I’m going to go pick up ribbon to finish a baby blanket. And, I’m going to stay up late tonight since I don’t have to get up tomorrow at 4:30 AM.
What I’m looking forward to most of all though is the unrushed mornings when I can sit for as long as I want and think about sermons and devotions, converse with my Lord, read my Bible just for pleasure. I can also go for a worship walk in the afternoons when it warms up. How I have missed those times.
Last week as my temp assignment was ending, I received a few compliments by the department management that my work was high quality and that my smile, joy and sense of humor were appreciated during this stressful work period. I left a good impression, mightily important since they knew I was a Christian and a pastor.
If you ever get an email from me, you will notice a Scripture verse after my signature. It’s one I truly try to live by. “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” [Col 3:16-17 NIV]
Whether working in a secular setting or behind a pulpit, it is vitally important that we leave a good impression … because that impression of us will be transferred to our Lord Jesus. If we claim to be of Christ, we better honor Him in all we do.