by TerryLema

As I came back from my worship walk the other day, I was singing the Easter Song by Keith Green, mainly just the chorus. “Joy to the world He [is] risen, Hallelujah, He’s risen, Hallelujah, He’s risen, Hallelujah, Hallelujah!”

As I was singing, I heard the LORD whisper, “you are singing ‘He is risen,’ are you living ‘He is Risen?’”

Don’t you just love it when God decides to unexpectedly answer that prayer that you prayed months ago?

You remember that prayer: May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You, Lord, my Rock, and my Redeemer.” [Psalm 19:14 HCSB]

And of course, in that moment, I also remembered what Pastor Laura said, that sometimes God asks us a question to change our perspective.

God calls us to know Jesus is Risen from the dead. He calls us to be able to tell others about Jesus risen from the dead. He calls us to celebrate and sing about Jesus risen from the dead.  But, perhaps most importantly, God calls us to live in the resurrection life given to us when Jesus rose from the dead.

Paul reminded Timothy, “Keep your attention on Jesus Christ as risen from the dead.” [2 Timothy 2:8 HCSB]

Sometimes doubts assail us, or fear invades. Sometimes life discourages and hopelessness floods in. But in all things, Christ is Risen(!) and we are to keep our attention on our Risen LORD, living always in “He is Risen, Hallelujah!”


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