by TerryLema

Oh to be wise! I look around at our society today and I often wonder where “wisdom” went. I see advertisements for some reality shows that just leave me speechless, often asking aloud, “can people really be that dumb?”  Apparently, they can.

The Bible is a wonderful guide to wisdom. The entire book of Proverbs is devoted to wisdom, and so is David’s Psalm 37, titled in my Bible, “Instruction in Wisdom.” One of the best-known verses is verse 4. “Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you your heart’s desires.” [HCSB]

As I often remind people, that verse does not mean God gives us everything we want. You may want that Lamborghini; you may even think you need that Lamborghini, but this verse does not guarantee that you will get that Lamborghini.

What it does mean is that when God gives you that new heart in place of your old heart of stone, it comes complete with the desires He wants you to have. Now your desires are His desires.

There are two other wisdom instructions in Psalm 37 that thrill my heart. Verse 18 promises, “The Lord watches over the blameless all their days, and their inheritance will last forever.” [HCSB]

God is watching over me. I used to be afraid when people told me God was watching me, but that was before I knew God for Who He is. To know now that God watches “over” me brings a reassurance and security that cannot be found anywhere else. And He is also watching “over” my inheritance – nothing can touch what I have placed in His care.

Finally, verses 23 and 24 promise that “A man’s steps are established by the Lord, and He takes pleasure in his way. Though he falls, he will not be overwhelmed, because the Lord holds his hand.” [HCSB]

As I have aged, falling is a very real hazard. I have to be so careful of every step. And when I do fall, it is almost impossible to get up without help. Spiritually, however, I am extremely secure! God has established my steps, He leads me on level ground. And if I should deviate from His path, and fall, the instant I turn to Him, He lifts me up.

Thank you, LORD. Today I focus on the delights you give my heart. I praise you for watching over me, for keeping my inheritance, for establishing my steps and holding my hand! Amen


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