56 Years

by TerryLema

On April 15, 1967, Bob and I were married in Citrus Heights, California. I was 20, he was 27. Today marks our 56th Wedding Anniversary. We have three children, a daughter and two sons, who have wonderful loving partners. We have three grandsons who are the delight of our lives.

Bob is a native of Wisconsin and I am a native of Pennsylvania. My family moved to California for work and Bob stayed there after his stint in the Marine Corp. That’s where we met and that’s where we raised our family.

We moved to Idaho in 1993 when a recession was still plaguing the construction industry in California. We left our youngest child with dear friends so he could finish his senior year in high school (that still breaks my heart), and I left a ministry in Hospice that I dearly loved.

Yet, God wanted us in Idaho and as I said recently, I didn’t want to be found “fighting God.”

We have had many ups and downs, as well as financial highs and lows. We’ve lived our vows, “for better or worse,” many times, and frequently had to handle the “for richer or poorer” times. Now we seem to be abiding in the “sickness and health” stage of life.

Those were the vows we took before God on that day that seems so long ago. And while it has not always been easy, we have kept those vows. (Why make a vow if you have no intention of keeping it?)

We have also taken vows before God, surrendering our lives to His grace and mercy, serving Him with what we have and what we are. We have kept those vows also, by the same grace of God indwelling our lives. To Him be the Glory!

Deuteronomy 23:21: “If you make a vow to the Lord your God, do not be slow to keep it, because He will require it of you.” [HCSB]

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