
by TerryLema

You cannot think of Christmas without thinking of Mary.  Mary is often misunderstood, idolized by some, ignored by others.  Yet Mary has much to teach us.  Mary teaches us of the blessedness that comes from obedience.  When Gabriel appeared to Mary to announce to her that she was blessed among women and would be the mother of God’s Son, her response was simple.  Be it done to me according to your (God’s) word.”  [Luke 1:38]

Later in Jesus’ ministry when someone shouted to Him from the crowd, Blessed is the womb that bore You,” His response was simply,rather, blessed are those who hear the Word of God and obey it.”  [Luke 11:28]

Jesus wasn’t downplaying Mary’s role, but rather pointing out that the way of blessedness for her is the way of blessedness for all of us … be it done to me according to God’s Word.  In other words, obedience.

Jesus Himself would cry out similar words as He agonized in Gethsemane before his arrest and crucifixion, Father, not my will but Yours.”  And let’s understand that being obedient and blessed doesn’t mean we escape all unpleasantness.  Mary would be gossiped about most of her life I imagine as “that woman who became pregnant before marriage.” She would also stand and watch her son publicly humiliated and executed.  Jesus’ obedience led to the cross.

Obedience doesn’t always mean escaping difficulties, but it does mean we are saturated with blessings from God that accompany us through every and all.

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