November 16
The choice …
Salvation is an interesting experience. I was saved in 1973 when I was 26 years old. That is almost 50 years ago. It took me awhile to realize just how interesting salvation truly is.
now know that salvation is really a three-part journey. When we are saved through the cross and resurrection of Christ Jesus, we begin our journey. We are instantly set free from the penalty of sin. Romans 8:1 is quite clear, “Therefore, no condemnation now exists for those in Christ Jesus.”
When we exit this life into the very Presence of Christ Jesus, we complete our journey. We are saved from the presence of sin. Sin will be permanently done away with, not even a hint of temptation will exist.
As we walk thru this life, however, we are to experience a middle part. God wants us to be sanctified, meaning being saved from the power of sin over us. We are to be growing in Christ’s character. We are to become mature in Christ.
Paul wrote in Colossians, “We proclaim Him [Christ in you, the hope of glory], warning and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone mature in Christ.” [Colossians 1:28]
This middle part is not just for a few, it is meant for everyone. Everything we do, every choice or decision we make will form character in our life, whether intentionally or unintentionally. And that character that is developed from our choices will either make us more like Christ … or make us less like Him.
The choice to be like Christ is ours to make.