Every Eye Will See

by TerryLema

This past week we had the unusual event where the moon eclipsed the sun.  People drove for miles to be in the location where the eclipse would be 100 percent.  It only lasted a few minutes but those minutes were absolutely spectacular if you happened to be in one of the prime places.

Unfortunately, Patty and I were heading south away from one of the prime sites in Idaho.  We were on our way to St. George, Utah, to see our friend.  We missed the whole thing.  The only thing that happened where we were was a slight darkening, a bit like a cloudy day when sunglasses aren’t needed.

I missed the big event of this year. I won’t, however, miss the biggest event of all time when our Lord and Savior returns.  Jesus promised that it will be like lightning across the sky, and that when it happens, every eye will see Him. Whether I am alive at the time or have gone home to be with the Lord, because of faith in Christ Jesus, I will see His coming on the clouds.

Matt 24:27:  For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.

Rev 1:7:  Look, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him.

Father, thank you for the promise of Christ’s return. Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!

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