But God. Paul had been worried about the church in Corinth. He had sent them a tough letter, urging them to deal with both the blatant sin in their midst, and the false teachers that seemed to be winning them over to a heretical gospel. Paul had sent Titus to Corinth to get a feel for their reaction and report back.
Travel and postal service were a lot slower in those days, so Paul had to wait, and while he did, he worried. He worried that the work he had begun in Corinth was being perverted. He worried that his “children” were being lured away from the truth of Christ. Then Titus returned, and with his good report, brought comfort. In his second letter to the Corinthians, Paul identified that comfort as coming from God.
2 Cor 7:6: “But God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us by the coming of Titus.” [NIV]
God comforts the downcast. He comforted Paul through the good news that Titus brought back from Corinth. God comforts us when we are downcast – and yes, even strong believers get downcast at times. If it could happen to Paul, it can certainly happen to us. Good News from God, however, will always revive and lift us.
If you are feeling downcast, read Romans 8. It is full of God’s Good News, and it is a great cure for being downcast. Glory to God. Amen.