I must confess that I’ve been distracted for months. I was trying to juggle so much that my body wore out, and my mind and emotions followed. Not a good place for a pastor to be. Oh, I kept up with most things. I did a good job at my temporary employment with people I really like (this was the second year I had a 4-month placement there).
I kept up most things at church. This fall we even had one of the best series I’ve preached. It was out of 2 Peter, adding seven virtues to our faith. [1:1-7]
I admit, however, that the fire in my spirit and soul was quenched. 1 Thessalonians 5:19 warns against doing just that, “Do not quench the Spirit.” [NKJV]
Other translations render it this way, “Do not put out the Spirit’s fire.” [NIV]
I have always heard that applied to corporate worship and gatherings. I don’t think I ever really thought about it as applied to a personal state of the soul.
In the couple of weeks, as I have rested body and mind, I have felt that fire beginning to burn once again. I see it manifest in my prayer life, in my studies, in my preaching, in my ability to hear the Spirit’s voice. I find that fire burning again as I sorrow over the trends in our nation, the manifestation of evil in our society.
I once again sense the Spirit’s fire. I didn’t know what was missing until the fire started to burn once more.