A Song of Ascents: “I rejoiced with those who said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the LORD.’” [Ps 122:1 NIV]
It is Sunday morning. I am up early as usual. The first thing I do is grab my coffee, then head to my bonus room and pick up my computer. I upload and send out the daily devotion. Then I open my sermon PowerPoint and notes and review. I pray over what I am going to share and for those who will be present at church this morning to hear. Around 7 AM I’ll hit the shower and get ready. After a minimal breakfast, I’m out the door and heading to the church. I usually arrive a little before 8 AM. Service starts at 10:30 AM.
No matter how tired I am, or my mood, once I open the church doors and step inside I start to praise and rejoice. David wrote in his song how he delighted when he went with others who loved the LORD to the house of the LORD.
I know God is present with me on my couch each morning as I pray, praise and worship Him. I also know that our church building is just that – a building. It’s a tool, nothing sacred about its walls or doors. The delight happens when others join me to praise, worship and celebrate the LORD. There is something beautiful about sharing my Sunday experience corporately, being in the “house of the LORD” with those who have become family because of our common faith in Christ Jesus.
Father, thank you for those who will come to the “house of the LORD” with me this morning. Let our rejoicing in You fill the building with praise and worship, and bring honor to the name of Your Son Jesus.