My grandson, Carter, and I went to lunch last Saturday and then to the new exhibit at the Boise Art Museum (BAM). The exhibit was a collection of modern art, including a Georgia O’Keeffe and a Jackson Pollock. I don’t want to offend anyone, but I’m not a big fan of modern or abstract art. I get little out of staring at a painting that is almost all black and wondering what I am supposed to draw from it.
The Jackson Pollock piece at the BAM was one where he used a stick to drop paint onto a canvas. To me, it resembled the drop cloths I’ve seen house painters use.
I’ve heard that art imitates life … and I’ve also heard that life imitates art. Which is it? There appears to be some debate about what comes first and what follows. Either way, if modern/abstract art imitates life, or life imitates modern/abstract art, I think we are in trouble.
As believers in Christ Jesus, we are to imitate Him. We are also to seek out those leaders who speak the truth of God’s Word to us, look at their lives and imitate their faith. We are to consider great men and women of God of every age, because the One we are to imitate never changes. Faith in Jesus should look the same in godly leaders from the 3rd century as well as the 21st.
“Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” [Heb 13:7-8 NIV]