For some people, music captivates soul and spirit. I am one of those people. I can listen to a good sermon and come away contemplating a lot of things. I can read a good book and do the same. But when I hear or sing a good song, I find my soul and spirit soaring with the words and music. That is why I love my worship walks, with my MP3 player playing the songs I love, praising and walking. That is what I miss the most when I work. I get my steps in, surely, but I don’t get my worship.
We sang a song last Sunday during the service that touched my soul. “Draw Me Close” was written by Michael W. Smith. The lyrics begin: “Draw me close to you, Never let me go, I lay it all down again, To hear you say that I’m your friend.”
And the chorus declares: “You’re all I want, You’re all I’ve ever needed, You’re all I want, Help me know you are near.”
As I sang, I was captivated by that line, “I lay it all down again.” I realized in that moment, that I often pick up what I’ve surrendered to the LORD. I go to the altar, I cast all my cares upon Him. Then I turn around the next day and pick them back up again. I draw close to the LORD, and then I move away. He continually calls me to draw near. He continually urges me to lay it all down again. He knows that all I need is Him.
Oh, Lord, help me to lay it all down again. Help me to realize how near You are to me, how much a friend You are to me. Amen.