I was studying for last Wednesday’s Bible Study in the Book of Judges. Yes, we are doing a Bible Study in Judges, specifically because the times we are living in now resemble that book’s message. The key verse in Judges is 21:25: “In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did that which was right in his own eyes”
That certainly sounds like us, no right or wrong, every person a judge of his own actions. But that wasn’t where I was heading with this devotion today. It was another thought, and another verse from another book that initially grabbed my attention as I studied. “If God be for us, who can be against us?”
Paul asked that question in Romans 8:31. It is a profound question, one that I think we ask and answer many times in our lifetime. Just when I think I have that question settled, something comes along and I end up asking it again. The sickness, poverty, and violence I see around me drive me to that question. I see others struggling with circumstances and trials, opposition and persecution and I ask that question. I face my own struggles and once again that question arises.
Yet, each time I ask that question, I get the same answer. I hear the sweet Holy Spirit speak to me in His still small voice, “He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for [you], how shall He not with Him also freely give [you] all things?” [Rom 8:32 NKJV]
As the Spirit reminds me, my question is no longer a question. Instead it is my statement of faith, “Since God is for me, who/what can be against me!” Thank you, Lord.