It is better to trust in the LORD!

by TerryLema

I enjoy spending time in the Book of Psalms. Spending time in the Psalms does wonders for the soul. There are two very important lessons we can learn from becoming familiar with these songs. First, they teach us how to pray – honestly pray. We can express our thoughts to God from the deepest level of our hearts; nothing is off limits.

The Psalms also teach us how to worship. They sing of the goodness of God, His protection and care for His own. We learn to sing with Israel’s singers, “How wonderful you are, O LORD!”

We are going to spend August in the Psalms at church. Today’s message comes from Psalm 118. Take a moment to read Psalm 118 today. This was Martin Luther’s favorite.

The author of Psalm 118 reminds us of God’s victories and deliverances. He reminds us of God’s goodness, His enduring love and mercy.  He also reminds us where we should place our trust.  Verses 8-9: It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man.  It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in princes.

Where is your trust? In people? If so, you will be greatly disappointed. People will always disappoint, they are fallen beings just like us.

Is your trust in governments (princes)? Even “princes” will fail us.  After all, governments are made up of people.

God, however, is good, His mercy and love endure forever. He will never fail us.

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