The quietness of the Saturday between the cross and resurrection always touches my soul. I’ve experienced many a day following a death and funeral. After the shock of the death and all the busyness work to get things ready for a burial, suddenly there is nothing to do but think and grieve.
We don’t know much about what went on this day because even the scriptures are quiet about what it held. We do know that Pilate placed a guard on the tomb. “’Take a guard,’ Pilate answered. ‘Go, make the tomb as secure as you know how.’ So they went and made the tomb secure by putting a seal on the stone and posting the guard.” [Matt 27:65-66 NIV]
We also know that it was the Sabbath, so nothing could be done. “But they rested on the Sabbath in obedience to the commandment.” [Luke 23:56 NIV]
I always wonder if they talked or just sat in stony silence. I think there must have been plenty of tears and a plethora of regrets for those who abandoned Him in His final hours. I wonder if any remembered Jesus’ words that He would rise after three days, and if they did remember, did they speak them out loud?
For me this Saturday is unlike what they experienced. I know that Jesus rose from the dead! I know that I am alive because of His cross and resurrection. I grieve my part in His death; but I glory as I remember that tomorrow we will celebrate the fact that death could not hold Him – and because it could not hold Him, it cannot hold me! Praise His Wonderful Name! Jesus the Christ, Redeemer, Savior, Friend.
Redeemer, Savior, Friend: