I am still tired from my trip last week to St. George to visit with our friend recovering from a major illness. Lots of miles, sleeping in different places, schedules interrupted. I didn’t have my time with the Lord in the morning. I certainly didn’t eat the way I should (hard to do when eating out all the time). Then I came home to laundry, getting my Sunday message finalized, shopping and prepping for returning to work last Monday on a full-time 4-month temporary placement. Lots to do for this 70-year-old-lady.
Weariness is a part of living in our fallen world. I don’t think we will find even a trace of weariness in the next. I can only imagine that being in our glorified bodies in the presence of the Lord will be eternal energy and strength.
Jesus addresses the church at Ephesus in the Book of Revelation in the opening verses of chapter 2. He praises them initially … “You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary.” [Vs 3 NIV]
He will go on to admonish them for a few things, including forgetting their first love, but His praise comes first and centers on their hard work and their perseverance. They did not grow weary in doing good and their reward was to have praise from the King of Kings. [Gal 6:9]
I think their bodies grew weary, just as our bodies grow weary, but it is not weariness of body to which Jesus is referring. It’s our attitudes – we need to make sure that our attitudes never weary of doing good. Then we, too, will have praise from our King.