The last couple days we have been looking at some of the “one things” I have found when I searched the Scriptures. Yesterday’s one thing uplifted me – God is strong and God is loving. Today’s one thing saddens me. It comes in the encounter Jesus had with a rich young ruler in Mark 10.
The ruler wondered what he had to do to gain eternal life. Jesus took him to what the law said. The ruler countered with the fact that he had always kept those external commandments. Jesus then took him to what the heart was clinging to. “Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, ‘One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow Me.’” [v17-22 NKJV]
It all came down to a choice, either a heart that had only one treasure, that of loving God to the extent nothing else mattered, or a heart centered on earthly possessions. The rich young ruler could not give up his earthly treasures.
Jesus asked the young man to pick up his cross. It was right there before Him. Jesus invited him to follow. But the call of worldly riches caused him to leave his cross at the feet of Jesus and turn away. It says, “he went away sorrowfully.”
Still, he went away. There was only one thing he lacked, a heart that hungered more for God than for the treasures of this life. How many go away because of similar one things? I fear too many leave their crosses at the feet of Jesus and turn their backs because of their one thing.