Does anyone…? (Part 2)

by TerryLema

David asks a question in Psalm 34 that most of answer with a resounding “Yes!” “Does anyone want to live a life that is long and prosperous?” [vs 12 NLT]

While long is easily defined, “prosperous” is a bit more difficult. David gives a few qualities of a prosperous life in the eyes of the LORD.

“Then keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies! Turn away from evil and do good. Search for peace, and work to maintain it.” [vs 13-14 NLT]

*Those who want a prosperous life refrain from seeking evil. Instead, they search for good in all things and love and treat others better than self.

*Those who want a prosperous life are honest. Their life is one of singular integrity. They are transparent in all their dealings, in church, school, business, politics, etc.

*Those who want a prosperous life do good. They love and are compassionate. They grant grace and mercy. They seek always to put God first.

*Those who want a prosperous life search for peace and when peace is found, they cling to it. They become peacemakers in a world that is disruptive and challenging.

David will now go on in this song to reveal the promises of God for those who seek to “live a life that is long and prosperous.” (More Tomorrow)


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