The Ways of the Lord are made for walking! [Hosea 14:9]
The Ways of the Lord are made for singing! [Psalm 138:4-6]
The Ways of the Lord are made for watching! [Psalm 25:10-15]
2Chronicles 17:3-6 talk about King Jehoshaphat. God was with the King and notes that Jehoshaphat’s “heart was devoted to the ways of the LORD.”
“The LORD was with Jehoshaphat because in his early years he walked in the ways his father David had followed. He did not consult the Baals but sought the God of his father and followed his commands rather than the practices of Israel…. His heart was devoted to the ways of the LORD; furthermore, he removed the high places and the Asherah poles from Judah.” [NIV]
The Ways of the Lord are made for worshipping!
The notable thing in this passage about Jehoshaphat is that He worshipped God singularly. He did not follow the pagan practices that Israel had developed. He did not allow the high places of idolatry or the pagan worship symbols to remain but instead removed them from the nation. He worshipped God and God alone.
Our hearts are to be singularly devoted to the ways of God. We are not to be half-hearted. We are not to allow idols to develop in our lives. Granted, none of us probably has an Asherah pole in our backyard, but we may have created an idol in our 401K or in another person, or a hobby, or a religion, or a political party, or a practice or an attitude.
The Lord God Almighty is to be the center of our lives; we were made to worship, to honor, to adore Him and Him alone.
The Ways of the Lord are made for worshipping!