Yesterday I wrote that I often do not understand the ways God moves in my life and the lives of others and that just when I think I do, He changes the way He moves. Scripture, however, talks about the Ways of the Lord and reminds us that while we may not understand, we have other duties to them. Yesterday I discovered that the ways of the Lord are made for walking – the righteous walk in them. [Hosea 14:9]
Psalm 138:4-6 declares, “May all the kings of the earth praise you, O LORD, when they hear the words of your mouth. May they sing of the ways of the LORD, for the glory of the LORD is great. Though the LORD is on high, he looks upon the lowly, but the proud he knows from afar.” [NIV]
The Ways of the Lord are made for singing!
There is nothing grander on earth than a king, yet God commands kings to sing of the Ways of the Lord. He also reminds them in this psalm that He looks upon or stays close to the humble of heart but removes His presence from those who are proud.
When we sing, or proclaim the Ways of the Lord, we must acknowledge the grandeur and the glory, the awesome nature of our God. When we sing of His glory, we are reminded how much higher He is than we are, how mightier He is than we, how He is the Eternal Creator and Sustainer of all Things.
Whether we are a factory worker or the President of the United States, we must remain humble before Him. We cannot truly sing or proclaim or praise Him without that humility.
The Ways of the Lord are made for singing!