
by TerryLema

Bob likes to watch the evening news. In our area, the broadcasts usually end at 6 PM with Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune following the news each weekday.

The last few weeks, Jeopardy has had the championship series. I don’t know if the questions are harder than for the normal contestants but sitting watching it each night makes me feel … well … really dumb!

I might get a few answers right, usually if it’s the “Bible” category, but most often I don’t even understand the categories!

What a delight it is to know that we don’t need to be dumb about the things of God. In fact, God wants us to be wise and will provide everything we need to be so.

“If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.” [James 1:5 NLT]

I need the wisdom of God as I face the problems and questions in this life. Facing them with my own wisdom is like watching the Jeopardy championship games. I might occasionally have the answer – but most of the time I don’t even understand the category!

Thank you, LORD, for your wisdom … and that you give it freely … without rebuke!

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