I had to go in for a blood draw the other day. It was an unpleasant experience – oh not for me, but for a little boy on the other side of the curtain.
I had heard him crying when I first walked in, then there was quiet while I got settled in for my test. Soon, the crying began again, then it got louder and more intense. Finally, the poor little guy was screaming. All the while voices around him were trying to shout over his screams.
I told the technician drawing my blood that it reminded me of a time when one of my children had to endure a test, which was unpleasant even for an adult, let alone a child. They would not let me go in with my child, even though I was a calm(ing) mom. I could hear screaming from the waiting room while the test went on and it broke my heart.
The technician casually said sometimes it is the parent who creates the situation. I could hear his frustration. Apparently, this situation started well before I got there. He said when the parent can “distract” the child away from the “needle,” it usually goes much better.
I thought about that all day as that little one’s screams echoed in my mind. It reminded me how important it is to keep our attention fixed on our LORD during those times of difficulty and pain. When we focus on the circumstances, that “needle” headed toward us, panic and fear often become our response and our companions through the journey. When we focus on the LORD, He promises we will not be shaken.
Psalm 16:8: “I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” [NIV]