
by TerryLema

October is the month where I feel like I have a split personality. It is my favorite month of the year weatherwise. It is my least favorite month of the year atmosphere-wise.

I love the cooler days, the changing colors of the trees. I love the fragrance of fallen leaves. I love wearing sweaters and sweats. I love switching from grilling to soups and stews. Ah, and then there are the apples and other fall fruits and vegetables to enjoy. I love being able to walk just about anytime of the day I want.

At the same time, as I walk, I am confronted with Halloween decorations, which I hate. (I know hate is a strong word, but I have a strong reaction to the decorations of witches and ghosts and ghouls and skeletons and blood and gore and … well, you get my drift!)

I do not want my mind pulled away to the dark things of life. I want to live in Philippians 4:8: “And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” [NLT]

True. Honorable. Right. Pure. Lovely. Admirable. Excellent. Worthy. I like the sound of those things. I want to spend my time searching for those things. I want my thoughts centered on those things.

I may live in a dark world. But I certainly don’t want the dark world to live in me!


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