The Love of God (Part Two)

by TerryLema

My favorite subject is The Love of God! I could talk about how much God loves us with anyone, anytime. It was my subject last Sunday when I was privileged to bring the team devotion for the volunteers at church.

That devotion began in Mark 10 (with parents bringing their children to Jesus to be blessed) and ended with a Scripture from 1John 4:16: “We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love.” [NLT]

I ended yesterday’s devotion with the question: I wonder, do we really know how much God loves us?

God, in His great love for us, was willing to sacrifice His Precious Son Jesus to bring us back to Him. He so graciously wants to shower us with His love, but too often the voices in this life (the world, flesh, devil) have made us feel unworthy to accept His love.

As we mature as Christians, however, we must learn to let God love us, for it is out of His love that we find the capacity to love others, to love ourselves, and to love Him.

We think we do the things we do “for Him,” because of our love “for Him.” But I think we do the things we do “for Him,” because of His love “for us.” We can love others because He loves us. We can love ourselves because He loves us. We can love Him because He first loved us.

Oh, I could go on and on and on about God’s love, and about Jesus’ sacrifice that makes us worthy. But instead, I think, I will put aside the keyboard and just sit here for a while and let Him love me.

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