“…of a mild type or character that does not threaten health or life.” [Mirriam-Webster Dictionary]
That is a definition of the word “benign,” a word spoken to me at a recent medical appointment. It evoked an immediate response of relief and peace. Afterwards, as I thought about that response, I realized that with just the mention of certain words, there is an immediate reaction that often arrives before we even have a chance to think about it.
That also applies to the negative. Words such as “cancer,” or “divorce,” or “fired” will often evoke an immediate response of worry and fear.
There is also another word (a name actually), that arouses immediate reactions. Talk about “God” in a generic sense and most people are okay. But mention the name of Jesus and watch what happens.
For those who love Christ Jesus the LORD, there is a welcoming, joyful reaction that warms the soul. For others, there is a flinch or withdrawal from the conversation.
Jesus … the Name Above All Names, the Name before which everyone at some point will bow the knee, requires a decision—either For or Against.
I decided “For” 51 years ago. A decision I have NEVER regretted.
Now when I hear the name Jesus, my heart cries out … I love You LORD!