I love this man, Moses. He is right beside the Promised Land, but not able to enter it because of his act of disobedience. He had failed to honor God before the people, instead reacting in anger and frustration. Forty years in the wilderness with that bunch of murmurers and complainers would more than likely make any of us angry enough to whack a rock!
But even though Moses will not be allowed to lead the people into the Promised Land, his heart is still burdened with them. Despite all the times they complained and rebelled, Moses still loved them. He interceded for them constantly in the wilderness and he does it here, on the border of the Promised Land, one more time.
Numbers 27:15-17: “Then Moses said to the Lord, ‘O Lord, you are the God who gives breath to all creatures. Please appoint a new man as leader for the community. Give them someone who will guide them wherever they go and will lead them into battle, so the community of the Lord will not be like sheep without a shepherd.’” [NLT]
I’m not sure my heart is as big as Moses’. I’m pretty sure I’d be thinking, “well, just go it alone without me and see how well you do!” Instead, Moses asks God to appoint a new leader, one to take his place and lead God’s people. He asked God for another Shepherd … knowing how helpless sheep are without one.
God gave His people a new shepherd to lead them into the Promised Land … his name was Joshua (Jehovah Saves). And one day, in the fullness of times, God gave His people an eternal Shepherd to lead them into His Presence forever … His name is Jesus (Greek), Joshua/Yeshua (Jehovah Saves).
Thank you, Father, for our Shepherd, Jesus the Christ.