
by TerryLema

Welcome! Welcome is such a common word that we probably don’t give it much thought. We use it without really thinking about it. I looked up the definition and it says it is a word that can be used to express kindness, gratitude, or appreciation. It also means someone or something that is wanted or invited.

Welcome comes from an Old English word “wilcuma,” which means “one whose coming is pleasing.”

As I sat in church last Sunday, that is what I felt, welcomed. The moment I stepped through the front door, Pastor Paco greeted me with a smile and a hug. As I walked through the lobby, there were more smiles and more hugs.

This is a young and lively church. I am older and my tempo is definitely a lot less lively, but still, this family of God was glad to see me. To be welcomed is a marvelous experience.

Ever wonder what life was like for the prodigal son (Luke 15) after his father welcomed him home? I wonder if he opened his heart and his life to other prodigals. Oh, I know it was a parable, a story told to illustrate a point, but what if he had been a real person. How would his father’s “welcome” have changed his life?

Let’s admit, we are all prodigals. We were all welcomed home by the Father … and as Jesus said, “there is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God than over ninety-nine others who are righteous and haven’t strayed away!” [Luke 15:7]

Hopefully, we are all now welcomed by the family of God … and welcoming to those other prodigals who come along beside us.

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