As I wrote yesterday—I am in the Book of Colossians. In that first chapter, Paul tells his readers that he is praying and asking God to give them a few things they will need to honor and please the LORD. These things will also cause their hearts to overflow with joy and thanksgiving.
His first prayer was that we might have complete knowledge of God’s will along with spiritual wisdom and understanding.
His second prayer is for three things that I find I need more and more each year. They are strength, endurance, and patience. “We also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father.” [Colossians 1:11-12a NLT]
In some ways life gets easier as we age; in other ways life gets harder. I find that as my body succumbs to the effects of aging, I need more daily strength. As I am confronted with daily pain, I need more endurance.
And honestly, as I age, I am growing less and less tolerant of the foolishness, disrespect and evil I see in our world.
It is only God’s glorious power that will provide me with the joy and thanksgiving I need for each day. Amen & Amen