Yesterday’s devotion was about “Counting the Cost.” That was one of the concepts of discipleship Jesus put forth in Luke 14:28-33. It is affiliated with discipleship.
I think “counting the cost” is not only part of discipleship, but also a part of life. Perhaps a very integral part of living in this world. And perhaps one that we have forgotten to give proper attention.
I have a slew of doctor appointments this month, six in a few weeks. All different types of doctors. I even joked about it on Facebook—that it takes a horde of doctors to keep one 77-year-old woman upright.
My first one was last Monday, with my endocrinologist. I am glad she was first because I walked out after “counting the cost” with her.
I am having the reappearance of some physical issues that may require a return to a medicine that I worked very hard to stop taking. It can cause long range physical problems. At the same time, it should help with my current pain and fatigue. Should I choose short-term relief and accept the long-term problems? Or should I endure the pain now to have a few more years?
Usually, the answer is to endure the short-term pain. But at 77 years old, that choice can be phrased a different way – quality of life or quantity of life. My endocrinologist helped me to “count the cost,” and go with quality of life over quantity.
And after all, for those who love and serve God, Paul made that choice easy … “We are fully confident, and we would rather be away from these earthly bodies, for then we will be at home with the Lord.” [2Corinthians 5:8 NLT]