What You Need

by TerryLema

I am sitting here this morning thinking about how blessed I am. I am also thinking about how God knows what I need even before I do.

Looking back, I realize I was turning into a bit of a hermit, content to just stay at home and read, watch a little television, walk a bit, write a bit. I looked forward to going to church and weekly prayer but did not do much of anything else.

Yep, I was becoming somewhat of a hermit. However, things have changed. My son met a lovely young woman with four children. They are getting married at the end of June. His life has changed greatly. But so have Bob’s and mine.

My “hermit” status has changed, and I love it! If I had not realized that before, last month proved it true. During one week I went to two flag-football games, a birthday party, and a high school graduation ceremony. I also went to the local premier of my son-in-law’s movie!

Jesus, in the Sermon on the Mount, talked about prayer. In Matthew 6:5-8, He told His listeners not to pray as the hypocrites to be seen, but to pray quietly to God. Then He reminded them that “… your Father knows the things you need before you ask Him.”  [Matthew 6:8b HCSB]

My Father God knew I needed to get back to living outside this house – even before I did! My social life needed to be more than just doctor appointments and a monthly trip to Costco!

 God knew just what I needed, and He brought gladness back into my life. Yes, I am so blessed in Him!


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