Hearing God

by TerryLema

I was sitting with Bob while he was watching “The Price is Right.” He likes to have company and I can usually just tune it out. Usually … this morning it wasn’t the screaming of the contestants that drew my attention. It was a commercial for a hearing device.

A mother and daughter were discussing mom’s hearing loss. Daughter said that mom did not know people were speaking to her because she could not hear them. Mom said that she did not want a hearing aid because she had short hair, and everyone would know.

Really(!) … give up hearing because we don’t want people to see that we need a hearing device?

I wear hearing devices because I WANT to hear! I don’t care if the world knows that I need help. It is important to my emotional, mental, and social wellness. But as important as my natural hearing is to my wellbeing, even more important is my spiritual hearing.

I need to hear God, carefully, because I need His help more than anything this world can provide. So … “I listen carefully to what God the Lord is saying, for he speaks peace to his faithful people.” [Psalm 85:8 NLT]

I won’t let my pride interfere with hearing God. As Jesus said, I can do nothing without Him.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.” [John 15:5 NLT]


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