The Question: How do we get people to fall in love with Jesus? The answer: We must fall in love with Him first.
David wrote Psalm 59 to memorialize God’s rescue when King Saul sent men to David’s house to try to kill him. “But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble. O my Strength, I sing praise to you; you, O God, are my fortress, my loving God.” [Vs 16-17 NIV]
Twice in this song David uses the phrase “my loving God.” I often think about how we portray our God to others. Are we singing every morning about our loving God, our fortress and refuge? Or do we portray Him shaking His finger in anger at everyone not living as we think they should?
I had two great aunts who were zealous about seeing me come to Christ Jesus for salvation. One came shaking her finger and telling me all the things I needed to remove from my life. The other came joyfully telling me how much God loves me and wants me. Can you guess which one influenced me?
It was only after God captured me with His love that the indwelling Spirit began to help me remove all those things from my life that needed removal—and by then I wanted Him to!
“How do we get people to fall in love with Jesus?” It is simple, “we must fall in love with Him first.”
Father, I am so grateful that you love me. You, indeed, O God are my fortress, my loving God. May I always project that message to others. May they see my love for You and Yours for me and be drawn to that love. Amen.