Prayers for ….

by TerryLema

I am not sure how I ended up in the first chapter of Colossians after prayer last Thursday morning, but I am glad I did. There is a marvelous prayer contained in that first chapter.  Along with a marvelous description of our LORD Christ Jesus and our reconciliation to Him.

Paul’s prayer begins … “We ask God to give you complete knowledge of his will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding. Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better.” [vs9-10 NLT]

I was never good with math, but I spotted the equation in Paul’s verse right away.

Complete knowledge of his will + spiritual wisdom and understanding = a life that will always honor and please the LORD.

The proof of that equation is a life that produces every kind of good fruit.

Too often when we pray for people, we are not specific. I think there are too many, “Bless them, God!” styles of prayer. Paul often prayed for people, and he was always specific in what He asked God to do in their lives. And his prayers often focused on spiritual wellbeing, things needed to live a life “that will always honor and please the LORD.”

Let’s make sure when we pray, we follow his example.

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