Favorite Time of the Week

by TerryLema

I love going to church on Sunday mornings. I love the energy of the worship service. I love listening to the truth found in the Scriptures through the messages. I love hugging and laughing with the team of volunteers who gather before service. I love greeting people as they come through the doors and praying with people at service end.

But as much as I love all that, it is still my “second-favorite” time of the week.

My favorite time is Thursday mornings from 9 to 10 AM. That is when we gather for prayer.

I walk into that building and greet Pastor Laura. She sets up the music playing softly and the screen in the front of the church with prayer emphasis for that hour.

I find a chair and sit down. My body won’t let me kneel anymore, but my heart still kneels before my LORD. I pray. I worship. I sit quietly. I rest in Him. I sense His presence. I am at peace with my Savior and LORD. It is the very best time of my entire week.

Usually there are just a few of us. I often wonder why the place isn’t packed. To be given the opportunity to sit with the LORD for an hour and quietly share my heart with Him … and Him share His heart with me, well, that is a bit of heaven on earth.

“Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.” [Colossians 4:2 NLT]

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