Builder or Joiner

by TerryLema

My son became a head football coach at a high school in California a year ago. He is rebuilding a program.  Recently he posted a recruitment call for young men who want to be a part of that team rebuilding. He wrote the following:

“Plenty of people want to join something, and less have the resolve to set out to build something.  We are building, brick by brick. It won’t happen overnight, and it won’t be easy. But at the end of the day, building men who understand character and resolve is what it’s about.”

When I read that I thought about our church, Christian Faith Center (CFC) Middleton. We are having our Grand Opening next Sunday. I thought about all the wonderful people who arrive early and gather in the lobby before services to re-commit themselves once again to being part of “building” that church in Middleton, Idaho. They are excited to be there. You can tell by all the laughter, love, and hugs!

When I pastored The Way on that site, there were always people who came for the first time “looking” for what we had to offer them. They wanted to “join” a church that had all the resources and programs to meet their needs. We didn’t, so they often went elsewhere.

Then there were the other ones who came and wanted to know how they could be part of the church and help it grow. There was always a place for them.

Builders or Joiners? Where’s your heart?

“Their (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers) responsibility is to equip GOD’S PEOPLE TO DO HIS WORK AND BUILD UP THE CHURCH, THE BODY OF CHRIST.” [Ephesians 4:12 NLT Emphasis mine]


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