February is National Heart Health Month. Everywhere we turn we are encouraged to do what is good for our physical hearts. It is a good thing to take care of our hearts, our bodies. They are the vehicles we use on this earth to serve the LORD.
But while the world encourages health for our physical hearts, the LORD reminds us that it is much more important to take care of our spiritual hearts. “Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life.” [Proverbs 4:23]
We live in a culture that is mainly concerned with the outside, visible part of us. God, however, tells us that he looks at the heart. And our hearts also include our mind. They are not separate.
Our hearts are the center, the source of life. They include our thoughts, will, desires and emotions. Our hearts determine our choices, and our choices will ultimately determine our life.
We cannot be too young, nor too old, to begin guarding our hearts. The enemy of our soul wants control of our hearts. The world seeks to influence and mold our hearts into its standards and attitudes. Even our own inward rebellion can try to lead our hearts astray.
The Scriptures refer to risk factors for our hearts. I want to consider five of them in the next few days.
LORD, help us to keep our hearts pure before you so that we might always glorify you. Amen