One Thing I Do

by TerryLema

Phil 3:13-14:  But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.  

Forgetting what is behind is sometimes hard to do, especially since the enemy of our soul is always reminding us of our failures and those times when we were less than we should have been. I think it must have been a difficult task for Paul also, since he brought it up in his letter to the Philippians. He could have just as easily omitted it, simply stating that he strained toward what is ahead and pressed toward the goal.  But he didn’t omit it, he included it…

But aren’t we also to remember what is behind? Even Paul acknowledged his own sinful past: “I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life.” [1 Tim 1:16]

How can we both remember and forget our pasts? I think when Paul said that he was forgetting what is behind, he was saying he does not let what he once was (the worst of sinners) dictate to what he does now (pressing on toward the goal).

The enemy of our soul wants to use our past and the guilt associated with our sin to forestall moving on with God. If he can keep us focused on how unworthy we are, he can keep us immobile. Christ Jesus our Lord is calling us to keep moving, keep straining to mature and grow.

Father, I know I am a sinner saved by Your love and grace. I will not let the enemy of my soul drag me back into that past or load me down with a burden of guilt. You have saved me, forgiven me. Now may I strain to attain all that You have for me in Christ Jesus. Amen.


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