Miracles & Opportunities

by TerryLema

Acts 3:8:  Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising God.  

That’s the reaction of the crippled beggar at the Gate Beautiful after Peter and John lifted him to his feet and brought healing to him … in the name of Jesus.  Crippled from birth, the man instantly walked, then took to jumping and leaping.  He didn’t have to go to rehab to learn how to walk, when Jesus touched him through Peter and John, his feet and legs knew just what to do.

And so did his spirit. He immediately began to shout praises to God for his healing.  This drew a crowd, which prompted Peter to preach to the crowd about the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus and the salvation found in Him alone.  And Peter didn’t pull any punches …. You killed the author of life, but God raised him from the dead [Acts 3:15]

The physical healing of the one man became the opportunity of eternal healing for the many. 

God blesses us with so much today.  We see physical healings in the body of Christ, we see emotional and spiritual healings. We witness restorations of finances, relationships, sobriety and so many other intersections where God touches our lives.  These should lead us to witness that our God is the Living God and He is able to save to the uttermost those who come to Him through Christ Jesus.

God gives healings and miracles … He loves His people … but no healing or miracle should stand alone.  Each should be opportunity to witness what our God can and does do!

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