A Guessing Game

by TerryLema

Various people and agencies are trying to predict what the weather will be like in Idaho this winter. As I write this, we have a bit of an assurance of winter as temperatures this week are in the 20’s for our lows.

I was reading an article in my newsfeed that said, “According to the Climate Prediction Center, most of Idaho has a 40-60% chance of above-average temperatures and a 33-50% chance of below-average rainfall from November through January.”

I must admit as I read that glorious prediction I laughed. It was that little word “chance” that got me. So, in other words, it’s anyone’s guess what winter holds for Idaho this year.

Much of life is a guessing game. We try this and try that and then try to determine what we should do next. But—there is one thing we can do in life that is absolutely certain. That is, to place our trust in the LORD Christ Jesus as Savior and LORD. When we do that, Scripture tells us, we are SEALED!

2Corinthians 1:22: “He has also SEALED us and given us the Spirit as a down payment in our hearts.”

Ephesians 1:13: “When you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and when you believed in Him, you were also SEALED with the promised Holy Spirit.”

Ephesians 4:30: “You were SEALED by Him for the day of redemption.”

There is no guessing what the future holds for us. There is no 40-60% chance. We are 100% assured of our redemption and salvation. Our eternity is SEALED!

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