A Privilege

by TerryLema

Last week was a busy, thought-provoking week. Monday, I had a hearing appointment (to be tested for new devices), and an eye appointment (to see if I needed new glasses). Tuesday, I had an infusion (to help control the two auto-immune diseases). Wednesday, I had a physical therapy appointment (to see if my muscles can be strengthened).

I made the remark at one of those appointments that getting old can be tough … then immediately heard the LORD whisper to me that at least I have the privilege of getting old, so many do not.

That whisper became all the more important on Friday when I attended a Celebration of Life for an 18-year-old.

Every day is precious. We do not know when we enter this world just how many we will have. Some have few; others have many. I was amazed when I did the calculations that I have had 28,080 days. Only the LORD knows if I will have 28,081!

Psalm 90 reminds us that if we want wisdom, we need to consider our days.

“Teach us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts.” [HCSB]

Instead of bemoaning all the problems associated with advancing years (old age), today I am thankful for those years. My body may suffer the effects of aging, but I have had 28,080 days to run the race God has set before me.

Each day is precious.

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